sbb tgoda dgn kekiutan apam dr blog sifu ni...ku gagahi jua buat nya walaupun kurenggg sambutan...
bukak je tudung kukusan,,,opocott!!!!....
abih menyeringai apam2 ku...merekah tak hengatt!!!
terlebih senyum..dah jadi apam gedik..
gi sini tgk apam kiut...comel je apamnya..tsenyum dgn penuh kesopanan..
resepi ku ambik dari kaknorsecubitgaram..tuan asal resepi rima..apa pun trimasss pada dua2nya...
souce : Rima
2 cups sugar (1 1/3cawan)
1 tsp ovallete
2 cups flour
1 cup fresh yoghurt (thick) (1/2 caw yogurt + 1/2 caw susu cair) **aku buh yogurt sepenuhnya...
2 eggs
1/2 tsp double acting baking powder
1tsp cocoa powder (K.Nor skip)
1tsp chocolate paste
1 sudu teh esen vanila (K.Nor tambah)
Beat all of them together until the batter becomes pale, thick, and the whisk leaves a vivid trail when stirring through the batter.
Spare some batter for the chocolate topping (about 5 Tbsp), mix it with cocoa powder and chocolate paste.
Drop the white batter into cups, then drop a teaspoon of chocolate batter on top of every cup. Steam for about 15 - 20mins.
* Yg betanda merah ygK.Nor buat
** utk mudahkan meletak adunan dlm papercup, masukkan adunan dlm piping bag atau plastik bag bersih dan gunting bucunya.
souce : Rima
2 cups sugar (1 1/3cawan)
1 tsp ovallete
2 cups flour
1 cup fresh yoghurt (thick) (1/2 caw yogurt + 1/2 caw susu cair) **aku buh yogurt sepenuhnya...
2 eggs
1/2 tsp double acting baking powder
1tsp cocoa powder (K.Nor skip)
1tsp chocolate paste
1 sudu teh esen vanila (K.Nor tambah)
Beat all of them together until the batter becomes pale, thick, and the whisk leaves a vivid trail when stirring through the batter.
Spare some batter for the chocolate topping (about 5 Tbsp), mix it with cocoa powder and chocolate paste.
Drop the white batter into cups, then drop a teaspoon of chocolate batter on top of every cup. Steam for about 15 - 20mins.
* Yg betanda merah ygK.Nor buat
** utk mudahkan meletak adunan dlm papercup, masukkan adunan dlm piping bag atau plastik bag bersih dan gunting bucunya.
n aku ikut yg k nor dah ubah tu..tu pun manis lg rasanya..nextime krangkan sket gula...
niha apam gedik...menyeringai lebeyyy!!!!
nih apam tuan pemalas..hehe...aku dah tak kose dah..
makan cicah air tea,,sodap jugak:))